Monday, April 29, 2019

With Penelope In Pisa: The Tower

After Lucca, we drove on to Pisa and found the municipal sosta (camper-stop, aire de camping-cars, stellplatz) without much difficulty. Next morning, we walked the kilometer or so into town and the Field of Miracles. Penelope was pretty excited about seeing the Leaning Tower, and even more so on being told Grandma had procured tickets for me and P to climb it. The Tower's lean, even after years of treatment and correction, is still pretty pronounced, but P got right into line and charged right up the stairs...until it was clear Grandpa required a somewhat slower pace. The pix tell most of the story.
I don't think we'd ever driven into Pisa from the east; the road for some miles
follows the pretty-much intact Roman aquaduct

Next morning, en route to the Field of Miracles, admiring the wisteria

Leaning Tower

Ground-up view, while in line

Interior view up to the top

The climb spirals entirely inside the walls, finally emerging at the penultimate
and ultimate levels; view of nearby mountains 

The cathedral and baptistry beyond

Field of Miracles

On the penultimate level

Looking down to where Grandma is taking a photo of us


Ussie, about to summit

Well-worn stairs

Now on the summit floor

A bit of Pisa

Pretty much the spot where I photographed her mom and
aunt way back in 1989

Looking down through the oculus

Obligatory tourist shot before pizza lunch and gelato

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Great experience for Miss P!