Saturday, December 20, 2014

Outings With P

Our weeks in Middle California have been spent largely in work on the camper--ever more gadgets, appliances, alterations--and in a variety of outings with grand-daughter, P. Here are scenes from a few of them...
At P's school on Art Night

Self-portrait de style Africain

Anxiously awaiting arrival of the CalTrain Holiday Train 

Right on time...

And we're right in the front to speak

As the show goes on, characters emerge to interact with the

Santa bestows Christmas blessings

A California thing, apparently

Sudsy snow in Menlo Park

Happy little girl

At the American Girl store

With Santa at Stanford mall

1 comment:

Tawana said...

So glad you posted photos of your outings. Chicago has a great holiday train that we rode a couple of years ago. Great fun for the kiddos.