We took the American/US Air red-eye from SFO to DCA (via JFK) on August 21st-22nd, moving our act from Middle California to the Middle Atlantic, to stay with daughter Rachel and her husband Will--in their mother-in-law suite--until our new camper is finished. The camper is a Tiger Adventure Vehicle, a Bengal TX, or somesuch, being built with modifications too numerous to detail, or even contemplate, near Columbia, SC. Our plan was for it to be ready for pick-up in mid-August, but, obviously, that didn't happen, and we are here in DC, comfortably but
very impatiently awaiting news of the camper or even of the arrival of the Chevy 1-ton truck it will be built on. Too much walking in Paris resulted in Vicki's getting the Fascist Planter's disease, so she's staying off her feet, and we're staying pretty close to home, especially on those wonderful Washington days when the temps are in the upper 90s.
Sun rise on the east coast |
The flight was OK until someone decided to change the route from JFK to DCA
but neglected to add fuel to the plane; fortunately, the crew figured it out (are the
margins that thin?) and after taxi-ing back to the terminal and adding another
thousand pounds of fuel and letting half a dozen passengers and their luggage off
in order to avoid missing connections, or re-routing them entirely, we finally took
off, arriving at DCA only a couple hours late |
The near-north neighborhoods where Rachel lives are undergoing considerable
change, especially the building of high-rises; and in some cases, the removal of
smaller buildings to make way... |
Thus |
DC's old Carnegie library, pictured here because we have already spent
considerable time in DC and other libraries here... |
DC libraries have their own police force; we suspect this is not because of
over-dues... |
At the Library of Congress' 14th annual National Book Festival; I attended quite
a few of these in my working days; here NEA's Amy Stolls introduces the
contemporary fiction panel |
Hitherto, and sometimes very unpleasantly, the national festival was held outdoors,
on the Mall; this year it was indoors, at the Washington Convention Center; fun for
me, not because I attended any of the scores of sessions, but because I got to see a
few old friends...John Cole of the LOC, Maggie Coval from Colorado, and Alice
Meister from Montana |
Under heavy guard from the Junior League of DC, Billy Collins signs... |
Outside the downtown library...you've heard of the doc-in-a-box... this is the
dentist-on-wheels |
Labor Day Sunday we drove down to see Dave and Holly's Tardis,
a Tiger similar to what ours someday will be; in Chesapeake, VA |
With the arrival of Vicki's sister Marie for a 4-day visit, we undertook a variety
of interesting American retail experiences; here, they are at the colossal two-story
American Girl store at Tyson's Corner; American Girl apparently is what you
graduate to right after the Disney/Princess phase, so I expect I'll be seeing a lot
more of these stores in the future |