Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Church of St. Sulpice

Next stop that day was the Church of St. Sulpice, on the Wrong Side. I think this was another station on the Vinci Municipal Code pilgrimage. Understandably, my wife and friends do not speak to me of such things.
The artistic masterpiece, Delacroix's Jacob's  Struggle with the 
Angel (Angel won by (divine) decision)

The great organ at St. Sulpice

But St. Sulpice's claim to fame is here, and the brass line
that marks the (then) prime meridian, before France lost
yet another war with the Brits; hence, it's Greenwich Time,
not Left Bank Time

On winter solstice, or possibly summer, or maybe the vernal
equinox, the sun comes through a high window and
illuminates this area (the church was built about 1.5 meters
off to the right, by my calculation; or possibly the window was
off, as Wes suggested)

This explains it all; as if...

St. Sulpice, another great Baroque church; if it ain't Baroque,
don't fix it

Happily, there was a statue of Danton nearby

1 comment:

Tawana said...

Are you in Berlin yet?