Friday, April 15, 2011

Santa Maria del Populo

On the northern side of the Piazza de Populo is the church of St. Mary del Populo, one of Bernini's architectural creations, where many of the era's elite Romans were buried, and also home to two more very famous Caravaggios.

Santa Maria del Populo

The dome

(Annibale) Caracci's Assumption (we like
the Caracci bros)

The church has two Caravaggios, facing each
other in a closed chapel, maybe 12 feet apart;
hardly viewable, and no pix, too (this and others
snagged off of Wikipedia); this is his crucifixion
of St. Peter; again demonstrating Caravaggio's
fondness for butt-shots

And this his "conversion on the road to
Damascus"; a horse butt-shot; I rest my case

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