Figueres is home to the main Dali museum. It had been the town's theatre, but was damaged in the civil war. Dali convinced the town (his home town) that if they gave him the theatre, let him have his way with it (!), he'd put them on the map. The rest is history. We spent several hours...the place is a complete and total hoot, especially if you have been touring Europe recently and have learned a little art history. For me, it was just the right combination of art, intellect, and bad boy.
So you're walking along this street in
downtown Figueres, apartment and office
buildings on all sides, you turn a corner,
and then this--the Dali Teatro--pops out at
Main tower and dome, and eggs, and statues...
Closer up
Yes, they are loaves of bread...a running gag, it turned out
In the courtyard, before you even go in to
the museum, the craziness begins...
Statue in the courtyard
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