Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Eupen (Belgium)

So from Bernkastel we headed further north toward our last two goals for Germany on this trip: Aachen and Cologne. But Belgium got in the way, at least long enough for us to find another interesting camperstop. It was in the Parc Naturelle National Hautes Fagnes-Eifel Raerenwald; or somesuch. I construed it to be the Belgian Grand Canyon, with Hoover Dam and Lake Mead to boot.
The usual mixture...Belgian, Dutch, German, French, GB, Montana

The dam (from the main resort hotel, which was catering one tour bus group from 
the UK of GB; otherwise closed (in mid-July))

Grand Canyon

Lake Mead

Of interest to me was the climbing tower at the resort, also 
closed, which must surely be one of the tallest such in the 
world; seriously

The kiddie side at the bottom

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