Thursday, April 14, 2011


We have visited the Coliseum a couple times before, but it never fails to impress. Knowing a bit more of ancient engineering, construction, culture, et cetera, as we do now, made it even more interesting than past visits. Plus, as we have seen throughout Italy, the interpretative signage is getting very good. And in Engish too.
It's colossal

Aerial view of ancient Rome; the Coliseum is there in the
upper left corner (we chartered a time-travel helicopter)
Interior view, nave and crypt; the Coliseum wasn't quarried,
like most of ancient Rome, since some Christians had been
killed there

Us, there
More interior, including the travertine fourth level; travertine 
was the lightest of building materials (?)

Counter-weights for the 30-some lifts, used to
haul animals and other things into the arena

Roman graffiti
The nearby Arch of Constantine

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