Friday, June 29, 2018

On To Dubrovnik

After 4 days and 5 nights in Split, we split from Split, driving mostly the tollway in the highlands, a beautiful modern highway, punctuated now and then by tunnels and high bridges, across some of the more desolate country we have seen. Not Nevada-desolate--there was ample low vegetation, but the limestone was so pervasive and broken that agriculture was unthinkable. Understandably, there is little in the way of human habitation. Eventually, we got off and took the road back down on the coast, which is anything but undeveloped.
One of dozens of tunnels

Most with signage like this; apparently wolves and sometimes bears hang out in
the tunnels; and they have right of way; or perhaps it is a lupine/ursine overpass?

Dropping down to the lower country, we stopped at one of the innumerable
rows of stands selling honey, olive oil, fruits and vegges

Thus; indeed we stimulated the local economy

Note the witch's broom with seat and handle-bar

An impressively large and totally tilled valley

I was impressed

Now back along the coast

The inlets and bays look almost like fiords

Somewhere along this drive, a 5 mile strip of Boznia-Hertzagovina pokes into
the Croatian coast line; documents, please... 

Ample marine agriculture here and there, mostly mussels

We found the campground we were looking--Pod Maslinam--and then it
happened: the incident with the olive tree; so many of the campgrounds we
have stayed in the last two months have been in groves...olives, lemons, almonds,
oranges...all of them rather low to the ground, spreading trees; the campground
at Pod Maslinam had trimmed the trees a bit to accommodate RVs, but not
enough, at least not this one, which I bumped into; even a mild bump bent the
seam molding and separated it from the side wall; I worked on it for a while,
ascertained it was beyond my skill (and tools), and put as much hopefully water-
proof tape over it as I could; now we're looking for an RV body Croatia,
Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina...but carrying on

The campground is above a beach on the bay

One of gazillons of islands in the Adriatic off Croatia's coast

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Trogir is a beau village 10 or so miles up the coast from Split. Much of it is late Medieval or Renaissance. One day during our time in Split we took the bus up to Trogir and spent a few hours exploring it.
Trogir is a small island actually; just barely

Before crossing the bridge, we had to check out the market; and buy some
smoked spicy sausages and other goodies

Main gate

Pretty scenes throughout Trogir

Main square, very old clock tower and town loggia

Church tower

Church entrance; somehow we weren't in the mood; the faces weren't funny

Ceiling in the loggia

And decor

Sic transit, Gloria

On the city hall

Today's fixer-upper

Nice rustic furniture at a resto

Plenty of ancient alleys to explore

Real people actually live here

Trogir castle

Bayside harbor

Camping Strobec Split

We were 5 nights at Camping Split, a really nice RV park/resort with all the amenities and then some.
Nice location, in Strobec, about 5k from centre ville Split; good public transt
Right on the bay

With its own beach, pools, etc., nice restaurant, bars 

Its own grocery (several others nearby)

Even a dog washing station

All kinds of rentals; here I am affecting a Steve McQueen pose aboard a Croatian
50cc scooter (it's a long story; fortunately neither the scooter nor I got hurt)

We have been in this part of the world long enough that it just doesn't feel right
to have a picture of our abode without the laundry aflutter alongside

Strangely, Croatian escargot are attracted to electromagnetic

Split: The Out-Taken Bits

More Split bits...
Spare parts shoppe

I forget what these folk singers are called--they are in one of the big rooms
in the palace--close harmony, sort of like the Andrews Sisters, only in lower
register, much slower beat, and in Croatian...

In the choir of the cathedral; cellular reception is always better there; also
communication with the Almighty

Even Vicki agreed

A little scary

People shoveling their money into the (dry) baptismal font

Funny menu..."Dalmatian Bunny"

Have you ever wondered what a Croatian sex shoppe looks
like? Sure you have...

Bits of Game of Thrones were filmed here--we'll see more in Dubrovnik--but
Vicki is a fan and we had to stop in; I quit watching when they executed Sean
Bean; and refer to the show as "Tits 'n Dwarf"

Still, Tyrion and I have things in common

A common outlook in life

The Iron Throne; you have to actually buy something to
sit in it; so I merely stole a vacant shot

Something lost in translation?

New warning sign

Have I mentioned that Croatia is in the World Cup and actually doing pretty

To be continued