Thursday, March 29, 2018

Mahinepua Coastal Track, 1

We drove on from Aroha Island to the Mahinepua peninsula and spent my 71st birthday walking its beautiful coast track. For me, it was one of the best day hikes--and there have been many--ever. The 4k track mostly straddles the crest of the peninsula, dropping down to a cove or beach here or there, but with great vistas on either side.

Parking on the beach before starting the walk

Beneath a row of old Norfolk Island Pines


Looking back to the carpark

Looking down into a cove below through a mossy pohutukawa


The trail ahead

Rest stop on a beach

Ducks on a boulder a hundred meters away

Another cove, a hundred feet below

Aroha Island

We had read that the best place to see a wild Kiwi (bird) was Aroha Island, up from the Bay of Islands, a private nature preserve with a campground. It's a small island you can walk around in 30 minutes, joined to the mainland by a causeway through some mangroves. We dutifully checked in, scouted the area, and prepared ourselves for the night vigil in the bush with our red cellophane-covered flashlights (kiwis are poor-sighted and can't see red at all; so the story goes). We went out after nightfall, after the winged birds had stopped singing, found a bench in the appointed area and waited. And waited. And waited. After an hour or so--it seemed much longer--we walked back to the campground defeated, but possibly wiser. As we learned, kiwis are extremely territorial. Aroha Island, maybe 10 acres at most, sports just a pair...a 44 year old female and a 22 year old male. We did the kiwi safari thing one more time the next week, during which I developed my fake kiwi conspiracy theory, to be stated in a later post. All the pix below are from my scouting of the island the afternoon of our arrival.
Kiwi see this and other such all over the Northland

Big beautiful trees on the island

Best, for me, were the botanical exhibits

Way more about Kauri in later posts

A baby Kauri

Helpful map

Birth of a silver fern frond

Alas, no kiwis

Stone Store, Kerikeri

The Methodist missionaries got to New Zealand almost before the whalers. Not far from Russell is Kerikeri and the Stone Store, part of an 1820s missionary complex, New Zealand's oldest stone structure and oldest store. I'm not sure it's been in continuous operation, but currently it's operated by DOC, with period-costumed salespersons and features old-timey merchandise. The hit for us, however, was New Zealand's oldest "exotic" tree, a pear tree, still going, planted in 1819.
Helpful model #37,684: the Kerikeri basin and its historic
buildings; thanks to a rain the night before, the model's basin
is actually flooded

Big old trees abound

As do historical exhibits

Epiphytes in a beautiful pohutukawa

The Stone Store

Assorted old-timey merchandise


"Fush and Chups"...don't ask me

Muy importante: mass production...

More history

Photo from Zane Grey's fishing camp not far
from Kerikeri; Zane Grey?! star,
dentist, writer, sportsman, Buckeye?! Indeed

The 199 year old pear tree

Indeed; still looking for the partridge