Monday, April 17, 2017

Barcelona Scenes, 4

Walking around April 13th, after Montjuic (Maunday Thursday), and 15th (Black Saturday, aka Sabbatum Sanctum)...we thought it might be good to take in a church or two...
Heading for the Bari Gotic

Still loving the architecture

Built right into the Roman wall

Narrow alley

More beauties on a big street

St. Mary of the Sea, another favorite

We're thinking of doing a week or so of the Camino Santiago
(Carmen San Diego) and so may spend a few nights like this

Skyward in the Chancel of St. Mary of the Sea

Resto interior

Art Deco?!

Cathedral of Barcelona

Inside the cathedral; one of the things I don't like about Spanish
cathedrals is that the screen/choir/whatever always limits your
view of the length and majesty of the building

At least there's TV for the seats with obstructed views...

We now know that at least some gold was left
behind back in Peru

Plus, they have a Black Jesus here in BCN: pray to him during

"This machine does not give change"

Seriously old Baptismal...1433

Across the street at the TI, a seriously helpful model of the
great city

Pretty much where we have spent the last two weeks, except
when at the campground

Cathedral spire

Christian spirit lives on in the market too

Museo Modernisme

During our two days (April 11th, 13th) on Montjuic we also managed to squeeze in a visit to the Museo Modernisme in L'Eixample. Alas, we know rather little about Art Nouveau furniture--other than we like it--so I did not record the makers of the various items depicted below. We just like to gawk and marvel at the stuff...

Model of Casa Battlo

Gaudi's sketch of what the church at Colonia
Guell would have looked like 

Modernista lift

Museu Nacional d'Art Catalunya: A Few Interiors

The Museu building is enormous and majestic and worthy of a few pix itself...
From Caixa Forum

We had lunch one day in the huge Oval, well, not on the floor,
where they were setting up for a corporate dinner that evening,
but in an adjoining area

Fancy dinner

One of the several domes

Menu for the tasting restaurant...quite
reasonable except it was all Catalan and
nothing I wanted to taste

Another dome

The Oval next day

Another incredible place we look forward to returning to...