Thursday, November 7, 2013

National Roman Museum, 2013

We visited the National Roman Museum in Rome in 2011 (, and were impressed. Not least because we ran into Rickie Stevie there. This is one of the great museums of classical culture and history--the others being in Naples, Athens, and Instanbul--and we had to see it again.
And take many of the same pictures again: the Pugilist, one
of the few bronzes to have come down to us

And the discus-thrower

And Dionysus

And great sarcophogi

But our favorite is still the Villa of Livia, a large room, four walls of which are the
frescoed garden of Livia, 2,000 years old

Incredible stuff, nearly an encyclopedia of plants and birds

And we always seem to run into someone important at this, Amanda
Daniels, a graduate of Missoula's Sentinel High school, where Vicki taught, and who
helped us get on a plane several years ago...

Inlaid glass...not quite in windows yet

Detail from one of the scores of huge beautiful mosaics

In one of the frescoed villa rooms

And another...

With interior design notes

Another not-to-miss place in Rome

Galleria Pamphilj Doria

At length, minus a hat, and with the assistance of a high school Latin and Greek teacher with whom Vicki had a pleasant, helpful, and informative conversation, we arrived at the Galleria Pamphilj Doria. The GPD is somewhat like a Great House in the UK of GB: many impressive and beautifully-appointed state rooms. Only it's in Rome and on the outside looks like another huge cruddy old building with faded plaster falling off. On the inside, however, it's a palace. That's the Italian way. Anyhow, the Pamphilj-Doria family got its big break when its patriarch became Pope Innocent X. All along they had been collecting art, and the palazzo here contains some 700 works, about 300, I think, on display. For comparison, the National Gallery in London contains somewhat over 2,000 works. So this is a major private collection, very probably the largest private collection we have seen. To be sure, much of it exemplifies the perils of private collecting, particularly in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries: much is by artists who didn't quite pan out as hoped, many works by the biggies turned out actually to be "in the manner of" or "by a follower of" or "by the studio of" the biggie. Nevertheless, there are some major masterpieces here. The lot of it is presented in 17th century gallery style, that is, paintings stacked from wainscot to ceiling, in a bit of a jumble, historically, but historically correct for the period. It's an art-lovers paradise.

Actually, we liked the ground floor bath best of all

After the several state rooms and one of the better audio-
guides we have heard (done by the current Prince himself),
you get to the several corridors of art...

The ceilings of all of which are done is this interesting faux-
Roman style

A beautiful little Durer...apparently under-appreciated here

A Filippo Lippi Annunciation

Raphael's Double Portrait

An early Caravaggio--Rest on the Flight to Egypt--not the
"painter of light" yet, but you can still tell it's a Caravaggio
since the composition is organized around someone's

Peter Breughel Elder's Naples, smallish, but a real treasure

And the greatest of the gems, Velasquez' Portrait
of Innocent X--Innocent is said to have rejected
the portrait as "too real"

And, in the same room of treasure, Bernini's
bust of Innocent X

Impressive place; glad we finally saw it

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lost In Rome

Well, we were never lost, exactly; we always
knew sort of where we were, and we had been
to all these places before, and had maps, and
knew how to get from one palace to's
just that our navigatrix got confused about
which Palazzo Pamphilj we wanted (the Palazzo
Pamphilj Doria); but eventually we got there
and saw the great museum; and also had a nice
visit at the Brazilian Embassy and many other
places between the Piazza Navona and San
Luigi dei Francesci; after three administrative
days off--weather, work, desire to avoid the
3-day weekend city crowds--we were sort of
out of practice; oh, Vicki did lose her Quechua
hat somewhere on these journeys; lost in

After hopping off bus #64 and walking a few
blocks, we found ourselves not at the Piazza
Navona, but standing in the piazza between
the Pantheon and Santa Maria sopra Minerva,
both, however, on our current list of sights to
see; again

SM sopra Minerva has its share of treasures...
a later Michaelangelo

Tomb of Fra Angelica

A chapel frescoed by Felippo Lippi; St. Thomas Aquinas in
there somewhere, probably with a book


SM sopra Minerva is Rome's only Gothic church; note
pointy arches and four-part vaulting; don't bother looking for
flying buttresses, height, light, etc; though many are quite
wonderful, I am coming to the conclusion that Italian Gothics
should get an asterisk; probably English Gothics too

It's nonetheless one of Rome's most tourist-friendly churches,
with this big helpful map showing the locations of all the

I can never walk past this my favorite building...

Through the oculus

Early Monday morning crowd

Moving right along, we are now in the church of Luigi dei
Francesci, which features 3 mature Caravaggios in its
St. Matthew chapel, all concerning, you guessed it, St.
Matthew; here, his martyrdom of Matthew

And here, his greatest hit, IMHO, The Calling of Matthew;
I recently discovered, which provides
clever captions for various masterpieces...this one is...
"Where's the owner of the double-parked red Pinto?!"

More seriously, here is the tomb of the great
landscape artist, Claude Lorrain, Turner's hero

Less seriously, here we are in the Piazza of
St. Eustace, gazing up at the Basilico of Santo
Eustachio--patron saint of deer hunters--whose
legend and depictions never fail to crack me up

And here we are now, blocks away in the
wrong direction, at the Piazza Navona and
Bernini's Fountain of Rivers

Piazza Navona, Domitian's circus; the Brazilian Embassy is
over on the left there, in the Palazzo Pamphilj

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Roman Halloween

Actually, the churches can be spooky enough


We were back home by dark, so didn't really see all that many
kids dressed for the occasion; notably, in Italy, Halloween is
still a kid thing, not appropriated by adults

Except for these guys,who were apparently all going to the
same party...

Many stores had Halloween decor and products


And thus, in perhaps the most artful bread store we have yet

Thus; not pictured...their display of Leonardo's various
inventions, all done in bread

Sort of Thai'd things together