Friday, May 17, 2013


According to our slides from the 70s and 80s, I've seen Chenonceaux twice, which is enough for me. It was not enough for Vicki, so she saw it by herself and took the following pix.

Villandry Chateau Gardens

Our next stop, 5 km away, was Villandry Chateau and especially its notable Renaissance gardens...

Langeais Outtakes

A few Langeais outtakes...
In the gift shoppe, Princess stuff is pretty
big here...

Vicki demonstrates here conclusively that people were
shorter in the Middle Ages

Graffiti in the tower...1558, right?

Spooky graffiti

And behind this door, descending the tower

A grizzly bear

Medieval water pump

Me in knightly costume; this was
to be part of a movie for Penelope;
Vicki has since learned the
difference beteween on and off
on this camera 

Langeais Chateau

We visited Langeais Chateau largely for the interior furnishings, late Medieval and Renaissance, to fit the chateau's hey-day. It was most impressive, particularly the 15th and 16th century tapestries. For now--I'm way behind--I'll just let the photos speak for themselves.