Sunday, July 28, 2024

Riga's Art Nouveau Synagogue

Riga's synagogue is one of the few in occupied Europe that the Germans didn't destroy. They feared that dynamiting it would set the entire old city ablaze. Two generations later, anti-semitic terrorists bombed it, but it was rebuilt through a national and EU campaign. The other surviving art nouveau synagogue I know of is in Paris, in the Marais, designed by none other than Hector Guimard. The Germans didn't hesitate to destroy it, but the French rebuilt it after the war. It is perennially closed and under heavy security, so I don't expect ever to see its interior. I was determined to see Riga's building, however, and am pleased to post a few pix below. It is said to be art nouveau with neo-Egyptian references and flourishes. The architect was Wilhelm Neumann.

Unrelated art decos across the street

Star of David drain pipe (click to enlarge)

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Riga Art Nouveau Tour, 2

Barcelona, Paris, and Prague are still our favorites, but Riga is definitely
a must-see for the art nouveau enthusiast (also Nancy, Vienna, etc.)

Mint green

In an art nouveau store where Vicki stimulated the local

Extreme wedding cake

One of the most famous and prolific of Riga's art nouveau architects;
father of the famous Soviet film director Sergei Eisenstein...Battleship
Potemkin, etc. 

Home, briefly, for a very young Sir Isaiah Berlin, famous Oxford philosopher,
born in Riga

Block of Accord

Lots of caryatids in Riga

Most striking of them all, back on Elizabeth St., #10
The large faces must be 6 feet in size

Abiding impression of Riga art nouveau

Riga Art Nouveau Tour, 1

Our major art nouveau walking tour in Riga encompassed two neighborhoods, Elizabeth Street (my translation) and Alberta St. (ditto), and their environs. Again, we were guided by both our printed guidebook and by the Museum's excellent website. Again, we were reminded that great variety and diversity underlie art nouveau, like any artistic movement, and that much of this diversity relates to the locale and its history and stories. 

Starting on Elizabeth St.

The columns part of the "perpendicular" stage of art nouveau
in Riga

A bit of the wedding cake look...


Spikey head-gear

Ever more

Now on our way to Albert St...full wedding cake

Very famous

#4 Strelnieku St.

Another curiosity

Now on Alberta St.

A dozen or so, both sides of the street