Thursday, October 12, 2017

Shebeen At Etosha Safari Camp

Our next stop, just outside the park, was Etosha Safari Camp, notable especially for its "Down Corruption" bar/restaurant/museum, celebrating the southern African traditional shebeen...the human watering holes, at first outlawed, but which became gathering points for political and other change. The pix convey the atmosphere...

Etosha National Park, 3

Our third and final day at Etosha hit the watering-hole jackpot...
We got the usual early start, but the first few hours were not

Then, about 11AM, we arrived at this large hole, where a
stampede of several hundred animals was in progress

All makes and models

At first we figured the stampede was in deference to the big
bull elephant; then we saw the lion

Quite a traffic jam ensued

And, with the lion gone out toward the road where we were,
the hole to returned to its quietly crazed normal state

Posing for us

Eventually he was joined by a lady friend; we drove around to
be right on the watering hole

Managing a selfie under the circumstances took some imagination

Showering sand


Our time running out, we drove on to Okaukuejo, and exited
the park, pretty happy campers
Throughout the tour, so far, we had been
observing the rule of never letting your fuel
tank dip below Okaukuejo we saw
the reason for this...the fuel station had run out
of diesel! Fortunately none in our party was

Possibly Offensive Stupid Zebra Tricks

So there we were, stopped for lunch at the watering hole, Vicki cooking in the galley, when up walks this zebra and begins acting in a quite unusual manner...

By this time, I had started video-taping and so missed the, um,
denouement, in still pix; the video may appear on YouTube some
day; under "stupid zebra dick tricks pix"