S. Maria Novella from the piazza
In the cloisters, one of the many 1430 frescoes, here,
Creation, Temptation, Expulsion, et cetera, by Ucello and
students; quite weathered, but a few still recognizable
Including cute devils
The right-hand wall glorifies the Dominicans more generally;
as ecclesiatical leaders, teachers, and as "God's dogs," at the
bottom, devouring the non-Christian wolves
In the detail here, lower register, center, allegedly, are pictured
Cimabue, Giotto, Boccaccio, Petrarch, and Dante
Up on the ceiling, the Church as ship
Church interior: a very large, austere,
preaching church for the Dominicans
Very nice, very old windows in the chancel
And enormous frescoes by Ghirlandiao and
But the great treasure in this church is
Masaccio's Trinity, said to be the first painting
to employ Brunelleschi's new mathematics of
linear perspective